To use snapshot isolation, queries or connections must explicitly set their transaction isolation level to SNAPSHOT. Snapshot isolation is an additional row-based isolation level that provides transaction-level consistency for data and which uses row versions to select rows to update. Snapshot isolation level is also enabled by default for new databases in Azure SQL Database. Statements modifying data do not block statements reading data.Statements reading data do not block statements modifying data.RCSI changes the behavior of the read committed isolation level to use row-versioning to provide statement-level consistency without the use of shared (S) locks for SELECT statements. New databases in Azure SQL Database enable read committed snapshot (RCSI) by default. Default isolation level in Azure SQL Database
Learn more about how to design retry logic for transient errors. It is a best practice to introduce a short, randomized delay before retry to avoid encountering the same deadlock again. The application with the transaction chosen as the deadlock victim should retry the transaction, which usually completes after the other transaction or transactions involved in the deadlock have finished. Learn more about the criteria for choosing a deadlock victim in the Deadlock process list section of this article. Rerun the transaction." Breaking the deadlock in this way allows the other task or tasks in the deadlock to complete their transactions. If the deadlock monitor detects a cyclic dependency, it chooses one of the tasks as a victim and terminates its transaction with error 1205, "Transaction (Process ID N) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. The database engine deadlock monitor periodically checks for tasks that are in a deadlock. Session A is blocked by Session B on SalesLT.ProductDescription.Īll transactions in a deadlock will wait indefinitely unless one of the participating transactions is rolled back, for example, because its session was terminated.

Queries may run under isolation levels that increase blocking.

Queries that modify data may block one another.However, blocking and deadlocks may still occur in databases in Azure SQL Database because: Blocking between sessions reading data and sessions writing data is minimized under RCSI, which uses row versioning to increase concurrency. How deadlocks occur in Azure SQL DatabaseĮach new database in Azure SQL Database has the read committed snapshot (RCSI) database setting enabled by default. Learn more about other types of deadlocks in resources that can deadlock. This article focuses on identifying and analyzing deadlocks due to lock contention. This article teaches you how to identify deadlocks in Azure SQL Database, use deadlock graphs and Query Store to identify the queries in the deadlock, and plan and test changes to prevent deadlocks from reoccurring.